Digital Commons

A subversive tool for feminisms in Latin America and the Caribbean

Collective technological practices enable marginalized communities to articulate demands for social justice

We explore how feminist digital commons in Latin America and the Caribbean transform the fight for gender equality and social justice through subversive and strengthening technological strategies.

Digital Commons, Cyberfeminism and Open Science: Strategies for Gender Equality in the Digital Sphere

This study examines digital commons, cyberfeminism, and open science as strategies to promote gender equality in the digital environment. It highlights its transformative potential and its role in challenging patriarchal norms, advocating for gender-responsive technologies, and active female participation.

Currents of Cyberfeminism and Feminist Digital Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards a more Equitable Digital Future

Cyberfeminism in Latin America and the Caribbean uses the Internet to challenge gender inequalities. This study analyzes its role, exploring currents and manifestations such as cyberactivism and hackfeminism. It highlights challenges such as gender gaps in STEM and digital violence, advocating for an equitable digital transition.

Interview: Digital Commons in the Chilean Constituent Process

Interview with a former advisor to the Chilean Constitutional Convention to explore the role of digital commons in promoting digital rights and gender equality in the digital environment. She highlighted the importance of reducing the gender gap and creating digital spaces free of violence. Her reflections offer proposals for a more inclusive digital society.

About the Project

Exploring the Digital Commons in LAC

These analyses are crucial when examining how digital commons, cyberfeminism, and open science can combat gender inequalities and foster inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its understanding is essential to promote feminist movements and achieve a more equitable digital society.

Proyectos Relacionados

Gender Biases

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Technological Resistances

This project investigates technological resistance in LAC. Analyzes the use of technology as a tool of resistance and its oppressive risks. Develops technological justice proposals to promote equity and digital autonomy, integrating principles of socio-environmental justice and forming collaborative networks and ethical public policies.

From a critical perspective, we explore and question the power dynamics in technology in Latin America and the Caribbean, seeking to transform them towards a more socially just world.