Digital Commons, Cyberfeminism and Open Science: Strategies for Gender Equality in the Digital Sphere
This work analyzes the digital commons, cyberfeminism, and open science as means and strategies to promote gender equality in the digital environment. Through a review of the literature, its transformative potential and its role in information management, coordination of strategies, and challenge to patriarchal norms are analyzed. The relationships between digital commons, democracy, and open science are identified. The importance of developing technologies with a gender perspective, implementing regulations to protect women online, and encouraging the active participation of women in content creation and digital leadership is highlighted. The study contributes to digital culture studies by making these manifestations visible and offering recommendations for a more inclusive and equitable society. In conclusion, the relevance of open science through digital commons and cyberfeminism is highlighted. This not only empowers women by providing access to knowledge but also challenges long-held gender stereotypes and norms.

González-Véliz, C. y de Andrés del Campo, S. (2023). Comunes digitales, ciberfeminismo y ciencia abierta: estrategias para la igualdad de género en el entorno digital., (27), pp. 67-79.